Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commer...
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http://www.fontsquirrel.com/ - 10/28/2014 3:02:51 PM
Responsive Design with CSS3 Media Queries
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http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/responsive-design-with-css3-media-queries - 11/13/2014 4:07:03 PM
Hide your header on scroll - Headroom.js
Headroom.js is a lightweight, pure JS widget for hiding elements until needed. Give your pages some headroom
http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js/ - 12/10/2014 4:19:04 PM
Astropad - Transform your iPad into a professional grap...
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http://astropad.com/ - 2/19/2015 10:42:53 AM
Console Living Room : Free Software : Download
https://archive.org/details/consolelivingroom - 7/14/2015 2:03:24 PM
ChoreMonster | Toss out your chore charts | A set of we...
sVvIn1fyznZKLElybvhFFHoo7 i3Sfmp8A1gMkDQXw3UGFW0fE0zu3aZ1w2vT/ET9z7XeCIvL bOpW71W8QMMQ==
https://www.choremonster.com/ - 12/1/2015 10:10:27 AM
Moon Tunes - Kids Music Player for iPad
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http://www.moontunesapp.com/ - 12/1/2015 10:33:59 AM
Red Kap Men's Wrinkle Resistant 100 Cotton Short Sleeve...
https://www.automotiveworkwear.com/RedKap/SC40/mens-work-shirts.html - 10/10/2016 3:06:05 PM
Audit Trail � Tracing Data Changes in Database - Code...
Logging of data changes in relational databases; Author: Petr Kozelek; Updated: 30 Aug 2010; Section: Database; Chapter: Database; Updated:
https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/105768/Audit-Trail-Tracing-Data-Changes-in-Database - 6/25/2018 1:28:25 PM