Photoshop in movie posters and ads... Photoshop da...
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http://endupliquant.blogspot.com - 2/9/2011
thumbalizr - thumb your webpages
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http://www.thumbalizr.com/index.php - 2/9/2011
Volkside | Introducing Wirify: The web as wirefram...
Wirify is a bookmarklet that lets you turn any web page into a wireframe in one click. It's lightweight and works in many modern browsers. W
http://www.volkside.com/2010/12/introducing-wirify-the-web-as-wireframes/ - 2/8/2011
browserling - interactive cross-browser testing in...
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http://browserling.com/ - 2/8/2011
goldenfiddlr. twitter, twitpic, goldenfiddlemart by spencer sloan
http://goldenfiddle.com/ - 1/21/2011
Smashing Magazine
http://www.smashingmagazine.com/ - 1/20/2011